Website Onceover
Are the words on your website helping or hindering you?
Are they qualifying you, or disqualifying you from the kind of orders and projects you want and need?
Is the Website copy costing you clients, and killing your competitive edge?
The Website Onceover is a comprehensive analysis of how well your company’s website words are working. Our goal is to help you double your site’s impact in half the words, and communicate your value and brand much more effectively.
In our review of your site, we’ll provide you and/or your marketing department with suggestions for captivating and compelling copy. We’ll edit, tweak, revise and embellish your website copy in a way that pinpoints and promotes your company’s uniqueness, and clarifies your services and products and the benefits they provide your clients.
We’ll give you the words that will make your website generate more “buzz” and more business.
And we’ll make sure that your site passes the “4 seconds, 2 clicks” test. That’s the amount of time and effort the average website visitor invests.
Remember, if the words you choose to use aren’t dynamic, then you lose. In two ways.
1/ You miss out on a sale.
2/ A competitor gets it.
Invest in the Website Onceover, and we’ll provide you with website wording that will have an instant impact, and make your company memorable.
We’ll help you and motivate visitors not just to act, but to act NOW.
In short, we’ll help make your website “work.”